Career Coaching & Job Transition Services

Joel has an in-depth appreciation of today’s job market realities, is a great listener, and has a well developed “BS-meter” i.e. he has a finely-tuned ability to force one to honestly observe strengths and weaknesses. Joel does all of this in a balanced, supportive manner. I think it would be hard to find a more capable, knowledgeable job/career coach.

Charles Buchwalter

Career coaching is a way to tap into your potential to achieve personal and professional satisfaction. Since you’re going to spend one-third of your life at work, wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy it? But too many people don’t enjoy their work, and feel trapped in a job they never should have had in the first place. Being in the wrong job can have a significant impact on your health. In fact, stress caused by dissatisfaction with your job can lead to obesity, depression, heart attack, high-blood pressure and stroke.

A career coach can help you avoid the devastating impact of an unsatisfactory career by helping you leverage your natural gifts and talents to obtain the career of your dreams. Just like athletes with exceptional skill and talent rely on the assistance of a coach to help them perform at peak levels, a career coach can help you refine your raw talent—enabling you to reach new levels of success at whatever career stage you’re in.

Whether you’ve been working for a number of years and still wonder, “What career is right for me?”; need help on career change; find yourself 10 years into a job you vowed was only temporary until you found something better; or are in a satisfying career, but want to advance to higher levels of success, my career coaching services are designed to give you the tools you need to realize your greatest potential.

I offer four coaching services that address people in different stages of their career. These services include:

Career Coaching

People looking for a career change

If you are looking for a career change and wondering, “What career is right for me?” — this service is for you! For over 17 years, I have assisted people who need help on career change tap into their natural gifts and talents to land the job of their dreams. With my effective career transition services, you’ll learn how to:

  • Get un-trapped in your current job
  • Harness your passion into your daily work life.
  • Identify the barriers that block your innate gifts and talents
  • Develop the tools and support needed to find your dream job
  • Choose what you really want in your work and career versus what you “should” be doing.

Career Coaching is offered to both individuals and groups. Joel’s group coaching program leverages the power of a small group of motivated, like-minded professionals who seek to define and land their dream jobs. It is a good option for people who want to network with other professionals and receive extraordinary coaching for a substantially reduced investment.

Discover how to get out of an unfulfilling career and smoothly transition into a job that gives you a renewed sense of purpose and satisfaction. LEARN MORE ABOUT CAREER COACHING


Job Coaching

People looking for a job

If you are looking for a job, I can help you break into a tough market and land the job that’s right for you. With my proven 9-step job search program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create a result-driven resume that gets the interview
  • Effectively network so others help you find the right job
  • Market yourself successfully
  • Interview so you move from the first round to the offer
  • Negotiate the best salary

Discover how to efficiently network, make your resume stand out and give an interview that makes you absolutely irresistible to potential employers! LEARN MORE ABOUT JOB COACHING


Salary Negotiation Coaching

People looking to negotiate the highest amount possible

If you want to negotiate your salary or ask for a raise, Joel provides a proven 10-Step “Get Paid What You’re Worth” Program. This process is jam-packed with insider tips, proven strategies and salary negotiation secrets. You’ll learn how to:

  • Get the raise or salary that feels impossible to achieve.
  • Identify over 50 benefits, perks and concessions to negotiate.
  • Overcome the most common fears that make you reluctant to ask for a raise.
  • Leverage the 15 secrets to negotiating the highest amount.
  • Communicate the 22 proven strategies to become the #1 candidate so you can negotiate a top salary.

Discover the do’s and don’ts of negotiation so you can effectively negotiate your salary or ask for a raise. This program will help you earn what you deserve and get paid what you are worth. LEARN MORE ABOUT SALARY NEGOTIATION COACHING.


Executive Coaching

People looking for career advancement

If you love your job and are looking for ways to move up the corporate ladder, Garfinkle Executive Coaching offers you the tools you need to jump start your success. With coaching that’s personalized to your unique situation, you’ll learn how to:

  • Increase your value to the company
  • Master the art of visibility and self-promotion
  • Advance confidently up the corporate ladder
  • Broaden your sphere of influence
  • Navigate company politics and use them to your benefit

Discover how to be an influential business leader that gets noticed and attain excellence in every area of your professional career. LEARN MORE ABOUT EXECUTIVE COACHING

Contact me today to learn how you can get on the path to a fulfilling career!
