You are good at something and may even excel at it. But do you truly enjoy it? Is it your passion? Most people fail to understand that our greatest power comes from doing what we love and unhappiness comes from denying our passions. Begin doing what you truly love based on the innate gifts that naturally define who you are.
Every individual has a vocation (“a calling”) that he or she was meant to be doing. This calling comes from aligning your natural talents to who you truly are.
Many services offer career counseling for men and women who are unsatisfied in their careers, but only address the issues associated with getting you into a new job. Dream Job Career Coaching doesn’t just focus on helping you transition from one job to the next, but shows you how to properly align your deepest interests and passions with a career that truly embodies who you are.
What makes the Dream Job Coaching Process Unique?
Joel offers results-driven career coaching with his unique 7-Step Dream Job Coaching Process. The 7-Step Dream Job Process is totally different from traditional career counseling for men and women. It works from the inside out and focuses on the whole person instead of simply assigning random job titles to match your qualifications. Finding or creating a job that will give you the maximum level of personal fulfillment is the goal. The process has been used with great success to guide clients from the fields of law, business, high-tech, finance, consulting, medicine, education and the arts into a fulfilling career.
While this Seven-Step Dream Job Process focuses specifically on your career, the resulting fulfillment will spill over to other parts of your life, as well. You will discover standards of excellence that you can apply in all aspects of your life. The Seven-Step Dream Job Process is really about pursuing a life of meaning. As you move into a job that reflects your aspirations, innermost desires and passions, your life will become aligned with your true self.
Joel is proud to help people obtain fulfillment in life.
The 7-Step Dream Job Process
STEP 1: Establish Your Foundation
The first step in the Seven-Step Dream Job Process helps you to create a strong personal foundation that allows you to come from a place of clarity and strength as you begin to define your dream job.
STEP 2: Break Through Barriers
This step shows you how to identify personal barriers that have kept you from achieving your dreams. Once you can clearly identify a barrier, you learn how to formulate methods to overcome or put them in perspective. You will gain clarity about what you want from life by shifting from the work you “should” be doing to what you love to do.
STEP 3: Imagine New Possibilities
In step three you use your imagination to conjure up images of what is truly possible. You will be amazed at how many dreams manifest themselves once you tap into what is possible.
STEP 4: Unleash Your Innate Gifts
In this step you recall different times in your life when you have been fulfilled. From this perspective, you identify your innate gifts that directly lead to satisfaction at the work place. This step is particularly helpful in defining what you love to do and applying those insights to the creation of your dream job.
STEP 5: Define Your Dream
In step five you create your personal dream job. An action-step process helps you determine the activities to which you are most drawn. You will identify your core values, clarify common themes in your life, and weave all of these together to declare your dream job.
STEP 6: Formulate Your Strategy
In step six you formulate the strategy and timetable needed to reach your dreams. As you define your plan, you begin turning it into action steps. This helps you become clear on the daily and weekly routine needed to bring your strategy into a dream come true.
STEP 7: Land Your Dream Job
In step seven you declare your commitment to landing your dream job. Then you are guided through a handful of activities that will help you to land your dream job.
Here’s How You’ll Benefit From Dream Job Career Coaching
You spend one-third of your life at work, so you deserve to feel fulfilled by it. The coaching process focuses first and foremost on helping you find the perfect job that aligns with your passions and natural talents. When you do what you love, you will achieve more in less time, get bigger and better results, and feel excited about going to work every day!
Dream Job Coaching will help you:
- Land a dream job by turning your innate gifts and passions into ideal work.
- Create deeper meaning in your life.
Land Your Dream Job Book is an “Instruction Manual” to a Fulfilling Career
When you sign up for Joel’s Dream Job Career Coaching, you’ll receive his personalized coaching and go through his proven step-by-step Land Your Dream Job book. With 200 pages and more than 100 unique exercises you will define and land your dream career. This book can help you unlock passions that reside deep within you so that you understand exactly what kind of job will lead to a fulfilling career.
- This book has a seven-step process that provides a clear, structured approach to landing your dream job.
- Each section provides you with fresh perspectives, powerful solutions, valuable resources, and advice to help you identify and land your dream job.
- Specific action steps are the primary focus of every chapter, guiding you step-by-step through the proven and successful Dream Job process.
- Exercises are structured to teach you how to apply and practice what you learn so you maintain momentum and achieve immediate results.
- Self-reflection exercises reveal your talents and passions in an easy, enlightening manner.
- The book provides a feeling of one-on-one support, as if you are benefiting from an actual hands-on coaching experience.
- The content is crisp, keeping you engaged with the progressive seven-step process without becoming discouraged.
- Two composite characters are featured throughout the book, providing strong examples to whom you can personally relate.
Common Fears Associated with Career Change
If you are afraid of leaving the security of your current job to do something more fulfilling, and are seeking an individual career counseling session, you are not alone. Others have traveled this road, recognizing they were ready for a change at work. Here are comments by clients before they started the Seven-Step Dream Job Coaching Process:
I’m 34 years old – I am going stay close to the industry that’s made me money. It’s hard to leave that comfort zone but I know this isn’t what I’m meant to do in life. I need to decrease the control money has over my decisions and increase the value that fulfillment will have when I find something I truly love.
After earning a masters degree in both physics and business, my future is still unclear to me. My first job was not fulfilling and I was extremely disappointed after investing such a huge amount of time and money.
I knew within a week of joining the bank that I’d made a terrible mistake, but 13 years later I’m still here… bitter, unproductive, unfulfilled, under-utilized and unhappy. I worry it’s too late for me, that I’ve wasted my life.
After 10 years of working in jobs I’ve just sort of ‘fallen into,’ I’ve decided to work on choosing a career rather than having it choose me. I’ve always had a wide range of interests and focusing on them has always been very difficult for me.
I’m in a very good job and am on track to be really successful in my field at a fairly young age. But I’m afraid I’ll get stuck here and wake up in another 10 years wondering why I wasted so many years doing something that didn’t mean a lot to me.