How can you become a free agent in today’s Information Technologies workplace? A free agent has power, great freedom, and is in charge of his/her career. Many people think of free agency as existing only in the sports world, but it’s becoming one of the strongest ways to protect yourself against the corporate concept of the 90’s, that people are expendable. With more mergers and acquisitions in the 90’s than the 80’s, companies can’t promise you’ll be a lifelong employee anymore.
If the company has to cut, they will cut people, no matter how great you are. Companies are saying, we do not have a commitment to keep people employed. We only have a commitment to keep them employable.
So yes, you are expendable in the company where you work! However, where you want to work and what you want to do are fully in your control. You can take the power back from the company controlling you and your life so you are in control over what you most want. Those who’ve are successful IT career changers have unleashed the power of free agency.
You can become a free agent inside your current organization, or outside of it, by creating the job you ultimately want. How do you stay employable and become a free agent within the company you work? The best way is to know the skills, values, abilities, talents, gifts, passions, interests and tool sets that make you unique and powerful and leverage them in your current work situation. You’ll be recognized for these skill sets and rewarded financially. Thus, you’ll stay employed by the company.
A similar process occurs when understanding how to create the job you want? Begin by getting to know who you truly are. The best way is the same as above when you wanted to become a free agent within the company you worked (interests, skills, passions, etc.). You begin to touch the freedom of free agency, once you know what you want. You have the power. You have the control. When you know what you want, you’ll attract people who do the work that you most want to do. Your dream job will become a reality.
To be a successful IT career changers, take time this week and write on a piece of paper what your skills, values, abilities, talents, gifts, passions, interests and tool sets are. As you write down your list, become clear on how you are utilizing these assets in your current work situation. If they aren’t being utilized at your work, make changes so that the real you will become a part of your job. Don’t waste your talents just because your environment hasn’t become aware of them. Make your potential or current employer aware and be proactive.
Patanjali in 1st-3rd Century B.C. said, “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”