Joel has created a systematic way to discover and find the work that fully resonates with your truest passion. He is passionate about his work, and is wholeheartedly committed to and completely enlivened by the opportunity for others to work with their own passions, talents and gifts. Joel was on of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself and my life.
What motivating factor would bring an increased sense of passion to your “field” of interest? This is especially helpful when considering career changes mid life. Take a look at what specifically fuels your passion while you are on the job. This allows you to focus on the tasks. Don’t get caught up in your job’s name or title or even the field. Zero in on the tasks. It’s irrelevant what you call it, the formula for success remains the same:
Although this equation shouldn’t be as difficult as algebra for non-mathematicians, in order to apply it to our actual lives it is first necessary to understand the individual components:
First, ask yourself what are the required day-to-day activities that are involved with getting a particular job done? Next, focus on the tasks you enjoy deeply (e.g. empowering people, being creative, interacting and communicating with people, problem solving, making or assembling parts, researching new possibilities, etc.).
Try to remember events or times in which you had thoughts like, I love doing this or I wish I could do this all day. You might even identify occasions where you were unaware of the passing of time or when life felt absolutely amazing to you. Within these thoughts are the tasks that provide the spark to ignite the next part of the equation:
By completing the first part of the equation you’ve become clear on essential elements that bring fulfillment to your professional life. Now let’s take this information one step further and transform it into the passion that will put the icing on the cake for your working life.
At its most fundamental level, passion is your excitement towards doing a particular type of work. However no matter what type of work you have a passion for, (care giving, working for a design firm, conservationist, trainer, educator, writer or counselor), you will ultimately confront barriers and challenges along the way as you continue the journey to create your own personal “field of dreams.”
The key to reducing your fear of these barriers and changes is by taking the time to be aware of what motivates you and what action steps you can take to bring them into your work. To conquer the fear of challenges, start volunteering for new projects. To reach the next level of personal growth, take seminars on a new interest. To gain a greater sense of achievement, work on smaller projects so you can see positive results more often. Most importantly, never lose focus of what excites you because only these motivating factors can fuel your passion for the work you truly enjoy.
No matter what company you work for or responsibilities you must complete, the outcome is equally as important as the task. Life isn’t boring, work isn’t meaningless, and co-worker relationships aren’t valueless as along as we enjoy what we do. Whatever amount of passion you invest in these opportunities will largely determine the level of fulfillment that is returned to you.
It is absurd to think that one seminar, book or individual (myself included) can have an immediate and permanent effect on the rest of your life. Just like the pooper-scooper, you can generate passion for your job on a daily basis with or without the assistance of others by following one simple equation. If you are making career changes in mid life, you want to follow this equation FULFILLMENT (OF TASKS) + PASSION (FOR WORK) = THE DREAM JOB OF YOUR LIFETIME