After 15 years working as a physician I was burnt out and terribly unhappy. What had started as an incredibly satisfying career had morphed into a life I couldn’t imagine continuing. Unsure what to do, I found Joel and began his dream job process. With the aid of Joel’s wisdom, I successfully made the biggest transition of my life’s work, to my calling. I now wake up each day excited to get to my dream job. I can’t recommend him strongly enough.
Barriers are most often imaginary obstacles that seem very real at the moment. When trying to find your dream job, these barriers seem very real and scary. We come up with practical, realistic reasons why something won’t work. What you must realize is whenever you find yourself resisting anything during this dream job process, make sure you realize it is fear talking in most cases.
When you fully begin to understand why you are having difficulty moving forward with the process, you’ll be able to see and understand the fear for what it is and be ready to move on with confidence. It is your unwillingness to confront a fear that traps you. A barrier rises up and we second-guess ourselves with self-doubt. Your subconscious whispers how much easier it would be to stay with the familiar and avoid taking a chance on that unknown. But if we listen to the siren song of self-doubt, we will forever flounder on the becalmed sea of indecision. The solution is to take action and use the winds of change to carry you toward the life you want and deserve.
How do you get beyond your barriers? If you can’t imagine the possibilities that could exist in your future, how do you avoid the possibility of failure? The answer is, you don’t. Failure isn’t something anyone can avoid. It is something we learn from like the toddler who takes a first step and suddenly plops down in surprise. We must review what we did, determine what worked and what didn’t and then get back up and try again. Risk is a part of our daily life and failure is always one of the possible results. Failure is merely a tool, a gage that tells us whether we achieved our goal or not. The proper response to failure is always: re-assess your actions, regroup and try again.
Realize that you are not alone in your failure even though it might feel that way. Everyone fails. Thomas Edison, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Benjamin Franklin, Margaret Mead, Winston Churchill, Harriet Tubman, Theodore Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, great leaders, acknowledged geniuses of their time, yet these men and women all knew monumental failure. What they did afterwards is what is important. They learned from their mistakes and moved on. And that is what you must do.
If that’s hard to do, imagine you are a counselor advising a stranger about this problem. You have no emotional attachment to the issue. You are calm, logical and able to identify clear steps this person can take to overcome this problem. Every time your sub-conscious comes up with a “yeah, but” to a solution, you counter that next barrier with logic just as you would if advising a stranger.
What prevents many people from landing their dream job? Barriers. Write down the top three barriers that stand in your way from achieving what you most want and begin to consider ways you could overcome them.